New online graduate programs provide flexibility with personalized experience


博彩平台网址大全 is expanding its online graduate programs to accommodate working professionals who want to advance their careers while experiencing the personalized education for which Pacific is known.

The university launched a doctoral program in medical science and health science in January. 教育硕士课程, 网络安全, business administration and business law will begin later this year.


Pacific’s new doctoral program in the 卫生科学学院 prepares clinicians for leadership roles in health care or positions in academia.

“There's such a shortage nationally of healthcare educators,” said Program Director Lindsay Gietzen. “It's important that those who have a proven history working in the field take that experience and put the educational theory behind it so they can become educators and train the next generation.” 

Students in the inaugural cohort reside in eight states and come from a wide variety of health professions, 包括药房, 社会工作, 护理, 物理治疗, 语言病理学和医师助理.

The unique interprofessional approach—designed to maximize patient outcomes—was one of the draws for Jocelin Friedman, 南加州的理疗师.

“So often in health care we can work in silos and not pay attention to what’s happening in other fields,弗里德曼说. “把不同背景的人聚集在一起, different parts of the country and different types of careers—I'm so excited to network and learn from them.”

Gietzen already sees the impact as students interact in online discussion boards.

“The discussion is so rich because you're pulling in experts not only from different professions, 而且是在他们职业生涯的不同阶段. 我们有些人已经执业30年了, 有些人已经练习了三个星期,”她说。.

杰森Prevelige, 康涅狄格州的医师助理, also has found something he wasn’t expecting in an online program—a strong connection to faculty.

“教师们真的很投入,也很亲力亲为, and the program director is making great efforts to get to know each of us individually,Prevelige说. “我已经感受到这种个人联系.”

The 15-month program can be completed in 12 months if students qualify for advanced standing by previously graduating from an accredited clinical education program.

申请已接受 下一阶段,从1月10日开始. 2024. 


教育工作者, 咨询顾问, coaches and others looking to develop innovative teaching and learning methods can enroll in a new master’s program offered through Benerd大学 in 学习, 创新与设计.
“This program is designed not only for people who work in K-12 education but those teaching in any capacity,凯伦·萨拉菲恩说, 项目负责人兼实习助理教授. “Students will collaborate to develop new ways of thinking—considering how we might shift from ‘out of the box’ to ‘beyond the box.’”

这个为期两年的项目将于2023年秋季开始. 课程完全在线直播, 每周, virtual sessions in the evenings to accommodate working professionals. During the cohort-based program, students will build community and learn from and with each other. 

两个证书选项-Design for Innovation in Education and Teaching, 创新与设计—are available to students seeking to develop new skills without committing to the full master’s degree. 

Those who earn a certificate are eligible to apply units toward a future 教育,学习,创新和设计文学硕士.


Pacific’s new master’s program in 网络安全 launches summer 2023 to meet the growing demand for 网络安全 professionals.

With a focus on cyber operations (a blend of computer science and computer and electrical engineering), students are prepared for jobs such as software security engineer and digital forensic examiner.

Students do not need undergraduate degrees in computer science or engineering to enroll; an introductory bootcamp course provides the necessary technical skills.

The program can be completed in one to two years and is entirely online with options to attend community-building activities on the 旧金山校区.


企业家, business professionals and anyone who regularly manages legal issues or interacts with lawyers can advance their careers with 麦克乔治法学院’s new online program.

The master’s degree program with a concentration in business law provides a comprehensive understanding of legal matters for professionals who do not need to be lawyers.

The program will launch in the fall and can be completed in one to two years, 这取决于学生是兼职还是全职. 


The 埃伯哈特商学院 will offer three unique concentrations in its master’s program: health care, 商业分析和金融. 

The program launches in fall 2023 and can be completed in as little as 18 months. 灵活的, online format includes two weekend residences on Pacific’s 旧金山校区, 为学生提供宝贵的交流机会.

在线研讨会 for all new online programs are held regularly for interested students.