
博彩平台网址大全ELMSN课程的申请在护理CAS上进行. 申请,请访问 护理CAS页面.




Photos shows four 护理 students from 太平洋's 卫生科学学院 smiling as they walk near the 护理 classroom.


  • 完成护理CAS申请
    • 成绩单必须以电子方式发送到护理cas, 太平洋
  • A bachelor's degree from an accredited program completed a minimum of six weeks prior to the start of class.
  • 总平均成绩不低于3分.0
    • a 3.过去60个单元平均绩点2 
  • 最低累计3.所有护理学必修课程平均绩点2分 
  • 三封推荐信(学术和专业) 
  • 目的陈述,个人经历陈述和职业目标
  • 重新开始
  • All 护理 prerequi坐es must be completed a minimum of six weeks prior to the start of class:
    • 人体解剖学(含实验室)(4单元)
    • 人体生理学(含实验室)(4个单元)
      • 或者人体解剖学和生理学系列,第一部分 & 二、实验室
    • 微生物学或细菌学(含实验室)(4个单元)
    • 统计学或流行病学(3个学分)
    • 营养(3个单元)
    • 社会学或社会科学(3学分)
    • 沟通(共6个单元),书面和口头沟通
      • 必须包括一门英语或写作课程(3学分)
      • 必须包括一门小组/口头交流或公开演讲课程(3学分)
    • 心理学

All decisions of the 护理入学s Committee are final; no appeals are permitted.


The student must be able to achieve and maintain specific technical 站ards of knowledge and skill to complete the ELMSN Program successfully. The technical 站ards in this document apply to satisfactory performance in all academic and clinical course work, as well as fulfillment of essential non-academic functions of the curriculum involving physical, 认知, 行为因素对专业护士来说是必不可少的.

更具体地说, a student in the 护理 Program must have adequate abilities and skills in the following five areas: 1. Observation; 2. Communication; 3. Sensory and Motor Function; 4. Intellectual, Conceptual, Integrative, and Quantitative Abilities; and 5. 行为和社会属性.

  1. 观察: A student must be able to observe a patient accurately at a distance and close at hand to assess patient cues and data (e.g.(呼吸努力,步态,姿势,外表). Observation neces坐ates the functional use of the sense of vision and other sensory modalities. 学生必须能够通过视觉和其他感官整合所有信息.
  2. 交流: A student must be able to communicate 有效的ly and 敏感的ly in English with patients, 家庭成员, 还有医疗团队的成员. 交际不仅包括言语交际,还包括非言语交际, 写作, 阅读, 解释表, 数据, 图, 计算机知识. 学生必须能够引出病人的信息, 感知非语言交流, 描述情绪的变化, 活动, 和姿势. Communication also must demonstrate respect for individuals and 人口s to embrace diver坐y, 股本, 和包容性
  3. 感觉及运动功能: A student must have sufficient physical stamina to complete the rigorous course of didactic and clinical study. 学生必须能够独立完成以下功能. A student must have sufficient sensory and motor function to elicit information from patients by palpation, 听诊, 打击乐器, 以及其他诊断操作. 学生将被要求协调粗大和精细的肌肉运动, 平衡, 以及听觉的功能性使用, 触摸, 和视觉. 更具体地说, a student must be able to exercise such fine motor skills as to perform laboratory tests adequately, 程序上的技能, 并执行所需的一般护理和紧急治疗. 一个学生必须练习这种程度的灵巧, 感觉, and visual acuity as to accurately complete such processes as administering intravenous medication, 精确测量角度和尺寸, 测量血压, 呼吸, 和脉冲, performing physical examinations and performing therapeutic procedures and 站ardized procedures. A student must be able to hear sufficiently to differentiate percussive notes accurately and auscultatory findings, 包括但不限于心, 肺, 腹部的声音, 以及使用听诊器等仪器来辨别正常和异常的发现, 血压计, 生理监测设备. A student must be able to meet all physical requirements of clinical rotations and patient care. 临床轮转可能包括任何轮班(天), 晚上, 和晚上), 轮班时间可能在8-12小时之间. Physical requirements include but are not limited to: the ability to safely assist with patient transfers for those who may require physical assistance, 比如在床上或椅子上来回移动, 在必要的时候, 向职位展示实力, 电梯, 移动, and transfer patients; transport themselves in a manner which provides a timely response in both general and emergency care 坐uations, 长时间站立, 在狭小的空间里活动,展示适当的身体力学. 另外, 学生必须能够展示自由行走的能力, 站, 坐, 蹲, 平衡, 爬, 达到, 控制, 电梯, 拉, 并根据需要推动临床职责的履行. Engaging in some procedures, such as CPR, will require a necessary level of physical strength.
  4. 概念、综合和定量能力: A student must have the intellect to quickly analyze 坐uational and clinical problems and formulate appropriate judgments and interventions. 这些智力能力包括数字识别, 测量, 计算, 推理, 分析判断, 和合成. 学生必须能够从病人的病史中识别出重要的发现, 体格检查, 以及实验室数据, 对可能的诊断提供合理的解释,并选择适当的药物, 护理干预措施, 和治疗. The ability to incorporate new information from many sources in formulating diagnoses and plans is essential. 诊断推理与临床判断在患者评估中的应用, 诊断和治疗计划是首要的. 在适当的时候, students must be able to identify and communicate the limits of their knowledge to others.
  5. 行为和社会属性: A student must possess the emotional health required for full use of their intellectual abilities, 锻炼良好的判断力, 并具有及时照顾病人和聚集体的能力. 发展成熟的, 敏感的, 有效的, 与患者和医疗团队成员的专业关系至关重要. 他们必须能够适应不断变化的环境, display flexibility and learn to function in the face of uncertainties inherent in the clinical problems of many patients. 同情, 完整性, 包容性, 人际关系技巧, 感兴趣, and motivation are all personal qualities desired in a health professional and assessed during admissions and throughout the education program.
  6. 道德标准: A student must demonstrate the ability to reason morally and practice 护理 in a professional, 道德的方式. 这包括与患者一起工作时的所有实践和学术设置, 家庭, 聚合, 社区人口, 教师, 同行, 以及所有医疗团队成员. 道德标准进一步指导护理实践,以提供公平的护理, 拥抱包容性, 重视客户的多样性. Professional 护理 practice is held to a high 站ard as outlined by the American Nurses Association Code of Ethics with interpretive statements (ANA, 2015).

The 博彩平台网址大全 will provide reasonable accommodations to students with disabilities otherwise qualified to complete the essential functions of the curriculum. However, the student must complete such essential functions in a reasonably independent fashion. A patient's safety and welfare shall never be jeopardized because of an effort to reasonably accommodate a disability.

人体解剖学 & 实验室


Included are a general survey of human histology and the study of structure and function of organ systems of the human body, 包括外皮, 骨骼, 肌肉发达的, 内分泌和神经系统. 感觉器官的结构和功能也包括在课程中. 相关的实验室经验和示范. 授课(3个单元)和要求的实验(1个单元).

人类生理 & 实验室


包括对循环血液结构和功能的研究, 心, 血管及循环系统), 淋巴, 免疫, 呼吸, 泌尿和生殖系统. 授课(3个单元)和要求的实验(1个单元). 

人类微生物学 & 实验室


A study of microorganisms with special emphasis on bacteria and viruses in the human environment. 授课(3个单元)和要求的实验(1个单元)


继续练习写作,强调批判性思维, 论点, analysis and interpretation of multicultural 阅读s and other interdisciplinary expo坐ory materials. 



本课程探讨两人沟通过程的动态. 学生将学习自我概念的发展, 自我披露, 感知, 听, 以及反馈,因为它们会影响沟通过程. 非语言交流、态度、信仰和价值观也将被探讨.


This course is designed to introduce the process of public communication and to help develop and refine the skills of oral communication.



Principles of nutrition with application to physiological needs of individuals; food sources and selections of an adequate diet, formulation of the Recommended Daily Allowances; nutritional assessment, 和监测. 



数学理论与应用, 公式的发展, 统计决策理论原理, 描述性的测量, 概率的概念, 随机变量, 正态分布, 推论统计, 抽样分布, 置信区间, 假设检验, 卡方程序, 线性回归, 以及计算机在统计学中的应用.


流行病学概论(4)非流行病学专业的流行病学方法. Focuses on re搜索 designs and methods to describe disease occurrence and risk factor associations; uses quantitative and biomedical information to infer whether causal relationships exist between potential causes and disease in 人口s.




对社会环境中人类行为的科学研究的一般介绍. 它包括文化方面的人类行为的主要理论, 社会化, 主要组, 分层和社会阶层, 人口, 家庭, 宗教, 社会变革.



从出生到衰老的心理发展原理. 生命或发展心理学优先,普通心理学也可以.
